Line’s FREE SEO Search Engine Optimization Guide

by | Apr 26, 2023 | Marketing Tips

Make your pages load faster!

To make your pages load faster, be sure to keep your programmed code limited to the bare minimum of what you need it to do. If you had a script for something that you no longer use, remove it! If you have a WordPress site with a bunch of plugins that are duplicates of other plugins, figure out if you need them and if you don’t need them then remove them! Note that deactivating doesn’t fully remove it where as deleting it does.

Make sure images are optimized on the site.

What does this mean? It means, make them the height and width you need them to be for when viewers look at them. If you have a 500 pixel width x 500 pixel height area for your image to be placed in, don’t post an image that’s bigger than that size or you’re not optimized! Secondly, the file size in bytes can also be optimized. Once your width and height of your image is correct, put it into a website called where you can make your image the smallest file size in bytes possible.

If you want people to find your website based on a keyphrase then read on…

Make sure that the minimum 2 keyword phrase is the first piece of text on the page you want to be found and make sure it’s in your H1 tag (Only one H1 tag per page!). Then make it the first 2 words in the first paragraph. Then, make sure that throughout the page is paragraphs of text related to that minimum 2 keyword phrase and is at least 300 words.

Link to other pages in your site in those paragraphs

If you don’t have additional pages in your website with related content on it, first, create them. Then, link to them.

Any image should have an “Alt tag description”

For those who can’t see too well with their eyes, a special code is added to images that you cant see normally by default. Some browsers reveal the special code when you hover your mouse over the image and that piece of coded text is the ‘alt tag description’ so those who can’t see too well and use a screen reading machine can tell them what the image is displaying so they can still stay informed. The alt tag also helps display the images in Google image results. If someone searches for a specific keyword/product, your image will now have the opportunity to show up in Google and link back to your site.

Link to external sites that are related to what you do.

You might be thinking “That’s nuts! Why would I want to link people to leave my site?”. I understand your thought but note, any link on your site can use a ‘target’ for where the link opens up to. I use ‘_blank’. This target opens the link in a new window and that means when they close that window (or tab), your tab/window will still be there! In regards to what kind of site to link to, I say link to information sites (not competitor sites) like a wikipedia about an ingredient in your product or wikipedia about a service you offer. You may also want to consider writing an article/post on social media and linking to that and then in that post/article, link it back to your site! If you do link to an information site, you may want to consider seeking to advertise on that site so when they’re reading the related information, they will see your brand on there.

Last words:

Everything I wrote in this guide is what Google wants you to do to help with your SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Keep in mind that even the best in SEO can not guarantee that your content will be at the top of the list and on the first page.  Google search results are volatile. If you do want to be on the first page of Google search results then you’ll want to pay for placement on Google with Google Ads (Keep in mind, even paid ads won’t always make your ad at the top, there is a lot of competition out there that will optimize their ads to perform better then your ad and make their ad show before yours in addition to ‘out-bidding’ your ads).

If you don’t want to SEO yourself.. hire me!

I will optimize your images for desktop and web, add alt tags to the imagery and links, and attempt to minimize your code. I charge by the hour at $65. [ Email me at [email protected] ])

Thanks for reading. I hope this article helps you SEO yourself really well.




Artist, Animator, Designer, Video Creator & Editor

Line loves creating. Visual art happens to be the majority of it all but he also enjoys writing informative articles that help people as well as fun literature and fictional works.

Email Line at [email protected]

Keep putting positive and good vibes into the world and you will have more positive and good vibes surrounding you.